Speak and Write English with Philip

English with Philip

Business English Test

Business English Test
Online Test for Business English

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Business English Test

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This is a 30 question test and each test has new questions.

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1 / 30

You should have ....... those shares when they were cheap.

2 / 30

It is essential before starting a business to work on a plan to ....... problems later on.

3 / 30

She is very happy because she starts her new ....... today.

4 / 30

Sometimes when you rent a studio apartment, it comes already ........

5 / 30

I know I shouldn't have made those remarks about your work and I hope you now know how deeply I ....... what I said.

6 / 30

To come straight to the ....... I think the management team needs replacing.

7 / 30

Although they had high hopes that they would be successful, they ....... out of business within six months.

8 / 30

Fortunately for us we're finding our new internet division is showing an increased ........

9 / 30

Well .......! This is a very good piece of work.

10 / 30

Do you want to ....... as a candidate in the local elections?

11 / 30

The government has changed its policy and had a complete change of ........

12 / 30

You're the tenth person I've been put through to and I'm on the point of losing my ........

13 / 30

I'm afraid to tell you that your standard of work has fallen well below what we think is ........

14 / 30

In formal letters, what should you write as a salutation when you do not know the person? Dear...

15 / 30

You can be absolutely sure I'm on your ........

16 / 30

When people are considering whether to loan your new business a substantial sum, they are going to ....... your potential.

17 / 30

From time ....... time the inspector comes to make sure that everything meets health standards.

18 / 30

Following some recent research our engineers ....... that our index system has scope for fast improvement.

19 / 30

I would rather just send e-mails ....... because it is easier.

20 / 30

I must ....... you do something immediately as I've been patient long enough.

21 / 30

I would love to meet you half way but I'm afraid I can't because with me it's a matter of ........

22 / 30

Despite all the alterations that are taking place in the department store, the management wanted to explain it was business as …...........

23 / 30

According to Ray Moore of HSBC, the efficient management of information across the financial supply chain (FSC) is a critical ....... in getting goods to market early and at the lowest cost.

24 / 30

Bob: Do you ....... if I use your phone to call my wife?

25 / 30

At the beginning of May I decided that the only course of action was to ....... a visit to your store

26 / 30

Thank you so much for helping me. I really ....... it.

27 / 30

Receptionist 1: Thank you for calling the BBC this is Philip How may I ....... your call?

28 / 30

Am I going in the right ....... for the post office?

29 / 30

You need to improve the ....... of this letter because one or two things are in the wrong place.

30 / 30

A ....... is a contract that indicates how long you can stay at the place you are renting and how much you have

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